

更新:2024-9-23 10:47:09    发布:大【dà】学生必【bì】备网

  701. in turn (=successively; in order) 依次

  702. be typical of 是…的特点

  703. for use 以便使用

  704. be in use (=be used)被【bèi】使【shǐ】用【yòng】; be out of use (=be on longer used)不再被使用

  705. be used to+名词或【huò】动【dòng】名词 习惯于 used to+动词【cí】原形过去常【cháng】常(做)

  706. be unprepared for 对…无准备的

  707. in vain (=uselessly) 徒劳

  708. be valid for 对…有效的

  709. in the vicinity 在附近; in close vicinity to 在【zài】靠【kào】近…的【de】地方; in the vicinity of 大约

  710. with a view to +动名词 (=in order to do sty.) 以…为目的【de】

  711. in view (=in sight) 看得见

  712. in view of (=considering) 考虑到… in the view of 按…的意思

  713. by/in virtue of (=as a result of, by means of) 由于【yú】…; 依靠【kào】…力量

  714. a warning against 告诫【jiè】…不要 a warning of 警告…存在…

  715. (be) on the watch for不断监视【shì】看有没【méi】有【yǒu】   (be) on the watch against不断监视为【wéi】防范…

  716. be in the way (=obstructive) 碍事【shì】, 阻碍

  717. (be)under way (=moving forward)正【zhèng】进【jìn】行

  718. by way of (=by going through) 经【jīng】由,取道【dào】

  719. by the way(=in addition)顺带地(转移话【huà】题)

  720. in no way 无论怎样也不…

  721. in the way 对…方式

  722. in a way 从某种程度上说

  723. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论【lùn】

  724. on the whole (=generally, for the most part) 大体【tǐ】上说

  725. against one’s will 违心地, 违背【bèi】意【yì】愿【yuàn】地 at will 随心所欲; with a will 有决心地

  726. wish for 渴望某物;hope for 想要某【mǒu】物

  727. “with+名词+分词” 构成复合结构,作状语

  728. word for word (=literally) 逐【zhú】字【zì】地

  729. in a word总之;in other words 换言【yán】之; have a word with sb.谈一【yī】谈; have words with sb.争【zhēng】吵;have the last word有【yǒu】决定【dìng】权 ; keep one’s word 遵守诺言【yán】

  730. work out ideas 出【chū】主意;work out the amount of…计算出…的数量;work out a problem解决问题;work out a puzzle解谜【mí】

  731. at the thought of一想到【dào】…worry about担心

  732. at (the) worst 在最糟的情况下

  733. yield to 对…屈服,投降,让步,顺从

  734. be worthy of (=be deserving of)值得【dé】,够得上, 配得上【shàng】
